Welcome to Great Big History Podcast!
Hello! Thank you for stopping by. I hope I can be informative and entertaining.
it is May 5 - I am updating this page as we speak.
to subscribe please follow this link - subscribe
Season 3: Murder, War and Heroes will begin this week with episode 00 (intro) and episode 01: The Bloodbath
so right from the start we have MURDER, WAR and HEROES (and VILLIANS!)
These images will lead you to the season episodes in first->last order (being updated May 5)
We will also have a section for extra lectures/episodes which dont fit into the standard Seasons
thank you for coming by, thank you for subscribing, thank you for listening.
I think we are going to have good times, interesting interviews, and informative shows.
it is May 5 - I am updating this page as we speak.
to subscribe please follow this link - subscribe
Season 3: Murder, War and Heroes will begin this week with episode 00 (intro) and episode 01: The Bloodbath
so right from the start we have MURDER, WAR and HEROES (and VILLIANS!)
These images will lead you to the season episodes in first->last order (being updated May 5)
We will also have a section for extra lectures/episodes which dont fit into the standard Seasons
thank you for coming by, thank you for subscribing, thank you for listening.
I think we are going to have good times, interesting interviews, and informative shows.