Ok, here's an update.
Today was the first (and only) day professors have been allowed to return to their offices since we closed two fridays ago, We had a brief window and so It interrupted my early morning grading (hopefully you were sleeping at 5.32am - but I was knee deep in tests). it took a few hours to get everything I needed for the next six months. And now I'm back to grading (also within a half hour: the president's staff released info they wanted to fire Dr. Fauci - the leading doctor on the pandemic - that the Senate was not going to be voting on an aid package before the markets opened - and that the Federal Reserve (the USA central bank) was going to open the vaults and turn on the presses and supply an "unlimited amount" of cash to the financial system - basically telling everyone capitalism had died and the economy was no longer functioning - essentially making us 1931. So thats a lot. So here's the update on the State of the Classes. 7wk Classes 7wk classes have begun today. they are up. they have all videos, all quizzes, all tests, all study guides currently up. 7wk classes may have a problem with acquiring the textbook. go to the "READ ME FIRST" module at the top of your canvas class page. if theres no money to buy the textbook because the economy has crashed. call the number in the "READ ME FIRST" module to discuss options and then let me know about the options and what you would like to do. Always Online Classes. ok. things should be running fairly smoothly. quizzes should be fixed for the 102s this past weekend (like friday or saturday). we are now officially back from spring break. we have until 12 April to hand in quizzes and tests. things should be working pretty well. there may be some housekeeping in the gradebook and whatnot in the backend of canvas - but you should be hitting the videos and the textbook. Face to Face Classes which are forced to be online *NOTE* - they do not officially start to Monday - 30 March. These classes are *technically* still on spring break. but almost all of the materials for the rest of the semester is up and usable. So we are essentially a week to ten days ahead of requirements - and 8 weeks ahead in materials (with a few holes needing to be plugged - more on that below) 101 11am Madison 210 Class Not much has changed as time and resources were directed to other classes after the initial tsunami of material went up. The China videos went up this past weekend. that leaves two roman videos (Republic Punic Wars + Collapse of Republic) to get up. We are looking at Tuesday creation, editing, burning, posting and linking. 102 9.30 + 12.30 classes Part 3 of the course is up. thats 13 April - 10 May. All quizzes are up and ready to be taken. They went up this weekend, 9.30 tests were emailed back last week. 12.30 tests have begun going back. they will all be returned by end of the day MONDAY - 23 March. there remains the "End of World War 1" video to post. which was going into production before the coronavirus shut everything down. this should be recorded, edited, burned, uploaded and linked on Tuesday - 24 March. ------------------------------------------------ Wednesday will be a run through to make sure everything is working as intended and the final fixes on any missing parts or inefficiencies. we will see if there any additional materials needed. Stay safe. Stay Healthy Dont go out - flatten the curve be careful DONT DROP THE CLASS! (do the tests and quizzes, even if you do terribly, just do them - our goal is to get you the credit for the class you paid for this semester.) Comments are closed.
ContactAuthorChristopher Gennari, Ph.D is a Full Professor of History at Camden County College. Archives
April 2022